VEGEMITE Trade Mark use request form

There are a number of registered trade marks for VEGEMITE in Australia, as well as in a range of overseas jurisdictions. The VEGEMITE team works hard to protect the integrity of the VEGEMITE brand. If you’re interested in entering into a licence agreement with us, please complete the below form which is designed to assist the VEGEMITE team receive and review requests to use the VEGEMITE trade marks. Completion of this request form does not guarantee the VEGEMITE team will approve your trade mark use request or grant you a licence to use the VEGEMITE trade marks.

    Would you like to use the VEGEMITE brand for personal use or for profits?

    Personal use: Where the VEGEMITE brand or trade marks are used for individual use and not sold. Profit: Where the VEGEMITE brand or trade marks are used for a commercial purpose and are incorporated on goods / services for sale.

    [group use-case-personal clear_on_hide]

    Please specify which imagery you would like permission to use*

    [group use-case-personal-logo clear_on_hide][/group]
    [group use-case-personal-jar clear_on_hide][/group]
    [group use-case-personal-other clear_on_hide][/group]
    [group use-case-profit clear_on_hide]

    [group biz-consumption clear_on_hide]

    [group biz-food-industry-other-info clear_on_hide]



    [group biz-consumption-no clear_on_hide]

    Please select all the categories your products fall under:*
    For Class information, please view here

    Class 1Class 2Class 3Class 4Class 5Class 6Class 7Class 8Class 9Class 10Class 11Class 12Class 13Class 14Class 15Class 16Class 17Class 18Class 19Class 20Class 21Class 22Class 23Class 24Class 25Class 26Class 27Class 28Class 29Class 30Class 31Class 32Class 33Class 34Class 35Class 36Class 37Class 38Class 39Class 40Class 41Class 42Class 43Class 44Class 45

    [group biz-manufacture-no clear_on_hide]


    Where do you sell your products*

    MarketsSmall Retail StoresLarge Retail StoresOn my own online websiteVia third party online marketplaces such as Etsy, EBay, RedBubbleOther[group biz-sell-products-other clear_on_hide]

    [group biz-sell-products-online clear_on_hide]


    Tell us how you would like to use the VEGEMITE brand*

    Please specify which imagery you would like permission to use*
    [group use-case-commercial-logo clear_on_hide][/group]
    [group use-case-commercial-jar clear_on_hide][/group]
    [group use-case-commercial-other clear_on_hide][/group]


    Where applicable, please share with us any images you think may be relevant to your application. An example of what to upload may be a product design, a recipe, movie script etc (Uploads are limited to CSV, XLS, DOC, PDF, JPG, PNG file types with a max limit of 2mb).
